
Clothes Closet
The Clothes Closet ministry is one way that we try to help the people in our community. It has grown into a district wide effort and is now housed at "Mission Central" located at 1712 Smithland Road, Harrisonburg, VA.  We collect good, used clothing for infants, children and expecting moms only.  Donations of clothing and diapers in all sizes are always needed.  You can leave your donations at Mission Central or at our church.  If no one is there, leave them on the side porch under the roof overhang.  Someone will get them shortly.  The Clothes Closet is open to the public on the 2nd and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 10:00AM until 1:00PM, and there are a lot of people who come!  Whether or not you attend McGaheysville Church, you can be a helping presence in this community simply by volunteering to help us!  We need help sorting and tagging clothes, maintaining and rearranging display space, and simply being a friendly presence to our clients, many of whom speak little English and are very shy.  Because many of our clients must bring their children with them, we also always need help entertaining the kids while their moms shop.  To find out more about this great opportunity to help others, please call our church office at 289-5445 and leave a message in our Missions Coordinator, Ms. Artie Frederick’s voice mailbox.
 Food Pantry
We believe that reaching out into our community to help others is an important part of being the Church.  As such, we have teamed up with Massanutten Presbyterian Church to give food to those who need it.  We collect non-perishable food of all types on an on-going basis.  If you would like to donate non-perishable food please leave your donations in our church’s social hall or call our church office at 289-5445 and leave a message in our Missions Coordinator, Ms. Artie Frederick’s voice mailbox.  We take all of our donations to Massanutten Presbyterian Church who ensures that anyone needing food is supplied.
Improving our Service to the Lord in the Community 


Our outreach team has selected 5 local projects for our church to help support both financially and with hands on service during 2013.